Customizing Mari

Downloading custom shaders for Mari

Mari is very open to being customized. In this example we will create three custom shaders based on the VrayMtl for Mari by Antonio Neto. The first two shaders "Nice" and "Metal" are simply presets of the VrayMtl. The third "Fabric" is an implementaiton my OSL fabric shader written for GLSL by Xinran Yu.

Click to download the shaders. Unzip the file and follow the instructions in the README. That's it!

Writing your own code

Here's a rundown of the general process. On Windows, the Mari scripts directory is in your "My Documents" folder

C:\Users\[USER NAME]\Documents\Mari\Scripts\

This is where we keep the shaders and tell Mari to load them using the Python script "". The shaders are XML wrapper files that contain the GLSL shader code. That is the XML tells Mari how to make the GUI, and the shader itself is GLSL. This basic combination of Python calls, XML wrappers, and GLSL shader code can be used for many other things in Mari, for example creating custom procedural adjustment layers.

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